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open mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

Designist science gallery

  • we're dreaming of a clever christmas

    we're dreaming of a clever christmas

    'Tis the season for gifting! At Science Gallery Shop we believe that clever gifts are gifts that will keep on giving long after the wrap is excitedly torn off. Gifts that will delight, inspire and educate curious minds of all ages. Here's some of our favourites.
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    LIFE AT THE EDGES is the current exhibition at Science Gallery celebrating human curiosity at the edges of life's existence. What's it like to spend time in space, or at the bottom of the ocean, or inside a volcano? What do...

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  • Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!

    Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!

    Science | Technology | Engineering | Art | Mathematics Our attitude to science, technology, engineering, art and maths (S.T.E.A.M.) has completely transformed over the past decade. As the last recession started to bite, the popularity of Steam courses shot up, along...

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  • out-of-this-world snacks!

    out-of-this-world snacks!

    If you're an astronaut bouncing around in the International Space Station, and you're overwhelmed by the urge for something sweet – what do you reach for? Freeze-dried ice cream or fruit of course! With it's low moisture content (and therefore...

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  • Curiouser and curiouser!

    Curiouser and curiouser!

    Dublin's annual international festival of science, arts, design & technology - The Festival of Curiosity - opens tomorrow with another fantastic programme. It has something for inquisitive minds of all ages with Playful Days for families and Curious Nights for...

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  • Bookmarks are for quitters

    Bookmarks are for quitters

    Whether you're looking for a good book for your holidays or you need a gift for a fellow bookworm, we've got you covered. From classic to curious: discover entertaining and educational science books that you won't be able to put down. Yuval...

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  • Happy F-At-H-Er's Day! -

    Happy F-At-H-Er's Day! -

    If you’re tired of giving ties, aftershave or socks to your deserving pops for Father’s Day, perhaps you want to get a little science-y this year. This geeky gift guide is the perfect list of ideas ranging from techy to foodie to DIY....

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