Science | Technology | Engineering | Art | Mathematics Our attitude to science, technology, engineering, art and maths (S.T.E.A.M.) has completely transformed over the past decade. As the last recession started to bite, the popularity of Steam courses shot up, along...
Whether you're looking for a good book for your holidays or you need a gift for a fellow bookworm, we've got you covered. From classic to curious: discover entertaining and educational science books that you won't be able to put down. Yuval...
Win this deadly Fathers Day hamper* and give your dad a lovely surprise on June 17th. This gadgety/techy hamper contains** a Waka Waka Powerbank, a Sugru Kit, a pack of FORMcards and one of our Irish designed Fathers Day Cards.To...
If you’re tired of giving ties, aftershave or socks to your deserving pops for Father’s Day, perhaps you want to get a little science-y this year. This geeky gift guide is the perfect list of ideas ranging from techy to foodie to DIY....
We were sad to say goodbye to our lovely neighbours at MAKESHOP when they closed their city-centre based shop last month. But it's not all sad news because they are going mobile, taking MAKESHOP out and about across the country. And even...
FAKE is the new exhibition in Science Gallery Dublin that asks if life is better when we embrace the artificial. Here at the shop, we've put together a collection of products that are inspired by the exhibition.