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Designer Profile: Kooyong Design

Today we’d like to introduce Kooyong Design

Kooyong Design is a young, Irish product design firm that specialises in furniture, interiors and homewares. It was established in 2009 by Davin Larkin as a design driven company with an aim to show Ireland the hidden talents of our own designers and create a demand for contemporary Irish design.

Kooyong Design is dedicated to producing sleek, functional statement pieces that will still add to your home in 20 years time. They currently manufacture all their products in Ireland and are 100% dedicated to the design industry in Ireland.

d: What’s the nicest thing that happened to you today?

DL: Today I received a load of parts I had ordered for a new product I have been developing a lot earlier then expected. Therefore I got to finish the prototype early which is always exciting. Nothing like seeing your work come to fruition which lasts about a half hour as then your designer head starts to kick in and you start to nit pic on all the little details that you might or might not change but its all part of the passion for what I do.

d: What would be the title of your autobiography?

DL: Chasing that elusive big break.

d: How do you like your eggs?

DL: Poached and made by someone else! Cooking is not something I have a passion for to say the least.

d: What object couldn’t you live with out?

DL: My glasses as I wouldn’t be able to see so well without them!

d: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?

DL: Summer, nothing like the sun on your skin and the anticipation of some foreign jaunt you are planning.

d: What’s humanity’s greatest achievement / design / product?

DL: The pen, who knew so many wonderful things could be drawn, written and imagined with such an unassuming product that is used worldwide and definitely taken for granted.  Just imagine a life without a pen or pencil and you may get a small glimpse of how much it has gifted our race.

For more information check out Davin’s Website

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