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Clean up your Act! The Handmade Soap Company

Clean up your Act! The Handmade Soap Company

The Handmade Soap company have been making beautiful natural skincare products in Slane since 2010. The folk behind these sweet smelling offerings are Donagh Quigley and Gemma McGowan.
handmade soap company products
Donagh, believe it or not, was a thatcher before that (Yes, an actual thatcher that grew straw and built beautiful thatched roofs). A thatcher with very sensitive skin, in fact. The economic downturn prompted him to rethink his career, and while on holidays in Australia, he and Gemma came across the most wonderful natural handmade soaps. Their interest piqued, on their return home they immediately set to researching what makes the best soap and with two pots on their hob, just started experimenting. The result was a soap that even his sensitive outer could enjoy and they knew they were on to a winner. Selling out of their soap super quickly at their first market, they were spurred on to expand the range, which now includes soaps, washes, lotions, balms and even candles and diffusers.
Their scents are natural and understated; some with beautiful savoury notes; all fresh and invigorating.
handmadde soap company candles
We particularly love their Real Man Range, which includes beard oil & shampoo and aftershave lotion. Flavoured with Wintergreen - an aromatic plant that smells slightly minty, is used to treat all kinds of ailments including muscle & joint pain. It gives the products a very manly, clean and fresh quality. And we can tell you, the women in Designist love their men whiffing of good quality products!
Now in their sixth year of business, their range can be found in Brazil, Germany, Canada, France, Italy and Russia, and back on the aul' sod, they are the No.1 Irish natural Bath/Body brand. With the increasing talk on the damage done by chemicals in skincare products  (parabens, SLSs, plastics, aluminium...the list goes on...) it makes sense to switch to something natural. And when the product is top notch to boot, it makes the decision that much easier. Check out their range here  or pop into designist to try the products for yourself! 
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