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Sheela and Frida

Sheela and Frida

We had the honour of hearing Margaret Atwood in the Concert Hall on Saturday night and she talked about how the history she learnt in school skipped over or ignored a lot of things. In Ireland we can say the same. That’s why Nessa Finegan’s Sheela na Gig tea towels are so brilliant. Found all over Europe, Sheela na Gigs are mysterious stone carvings of naked people with their genitals proudly on show (imagine!!). They were definitely NOT on the curriculum when we were in school, which is odd, because Ireland has one of the highest concentrations of these enigmatic stone carvings. About 101 examples have been found around the country in medieval tower-houses, churches and holy wells. Artist Nessa Finnegan’s tea towels are hand-printed on either grey or black and an essential part of our kitchen kit. They’re great framed too!



There’s nothing like a new pair of socks to make you feel sharp and ready to hit the streets. Irish Socksciety do some of our favourites. Take these Irish landscape socks featuring cows, sheep, stone walls, cottages and green fields. How (stage) Irish can you get? They make the perfect gift for anyone fond of all things Irish. Plus, who can resist socks that have the word baaa on one and mooo on the other? They come in 2 unisex sizes and have a seamless finish so not only are they lots of fun but super comfy too!



Know any gobshites or geebags? We've got the perfect gift... 



It's a day for cosying up with a book. Get kids in the habit with this one. Shooting for the Stars is perfect for anyone who’s ever dreamt of going to space. Author Dr Norah Patten from Ballina Co Mayo was so inspired after a family trip to NASA aged 11 that she decided to make it a reality and is now on course to being Ireland’s first astronaut!



We’ve reached 10,000 followers on Instagram and we’d like to say a big thanks for all the love by offering all our followers 10% off everything on the website until the night of Monday 11th November. The code is "10000". 



"You have to see it to be it” - Billie Jean King

If we want to raise feminists we have make sure our kids have all kinds of role models. Start early with these little feminist playing cards and board book collection from mudpuppy which feature lovely illustrations of historical and present day leaders, artists, activists and pioneers who have made an impact on society. Teach them who frida kahlo, malala yousafzai and marie curie are and what they did/have done - then (hopefully) sit back and watch the greatness happen at home.



hanging around at designist: umage focus
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