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Designer Profile: Klickity

Today we would like to introduce Klickity.

Klickity is a product design studio based in Dublin. Their aim is to create quality products with minimal environmental impact. They believe in a holistic approach to design and strive to balance creativity, innovation and sustainability in all their work. Klickity is a partnership between Kate Cronin, who does the designing and Liz Fingleton who looks after the business side of things.

Wherever possible, they choose reclaimed or locally sourced materials and use Irish manufacturers. Their manifesto is to consider exciting new design ideas, the environment and you, design innovative and unique products and to create affordable products manufactured in Ireland. Their interest in sustainable design is both academic and practicle, Kate is currently undertaking a masters in Design sustainability in NCAD.

It’s not just us who think their products are great, their palm lampshade won best new product 2011 at Showcase Ireland recently.

d: What’s the nicest thing that happened to you today?

K: For once, I managed to cross off everything on my to-do-list

d: How you like your eggs?

K: Poached but not too hard

d: Which product do you wish you had designed?

K: The Paper Clip

d: Who is your design Hero?

K: Le Corbusier (and pretty much all other designers related to the Bauhaus)

d: What object couldn’t you live with out?

K: My bicycle, a sky blue vintage Peugeot racer and I love it.

d: What can’t you leave the house without?

K: My pencil case


For more information on Klickity check out their website

previous article Just what is New Kintsugi?
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