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Suck UK Hurray!

We are so proud to stock Suck UK’s cheerful, clever and innovative products. Suck was set up by two young guys, Sam and Jude, in 1999. Their very first product was the ingenious Key Bottle Opener – still one of the most useful, simplest gifts you can ever give someone.

Keychain Bottle Opener

They finished studying design in St Martin’s in London and without any initial investment they just worked and worked and worked to establish themselves, until the company was off the ground. We love this admirable work ethic.

Bottle Lights, Brand new product from Suck UK

And their honest and smart approach is apparent in their design, the work is of consistently high-quality but also bursts with a cheeky sense of humour that can sometimes be lacking in other ‘well designed’ products. We see this in their personalised cookie stampers, handy measurement aprons, or their ‘Legless Pirate’ cork screw.

Legless Pirate Corkscrew

Funny, useful, good-looking, practical, high-caliber. Their products make imaginative gifts, perfect talking points without compromising production value. No wonder Sam and Jude’s wee business is now a multi award-winning enterprise that supplies products to thousands of retailers around the world.

We love this beautiful glass Bookrest Lamp from Suck UK

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