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opening hours mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

A night to remember...Dublin Design Night 2016

So, Wednesday 9th November 2016 was Dublin Design Night and man alive, did we have a good time! Doodle-meister Mark Flood came in with his markers and did a deadly design doodle on our windows; it was funny, festive and featured all Dublin's best bits. Then we had all our friends and customers colour it in! What a treat. It turns out our customers are a very talented lot. Some got creative...some even added their own doodles to the pile. And some were a little risqué know who you are, customers. Maybe you were emboldened by the rummy hot chocolate, which was in plentiful supply. Who knows. Anyway, there was a great buzz, thanks to all who came along.

Not only that, but we launched the latest addition to our collection - the Small Hands Lamp, designed and made by Ned Kaar just down the road in Cork. This is an entirely handmade little lamp with a natural, untreated plywood base and a white foam shade. A foam shade? Yes, a foam shade. Who would have thought that foam would diffuse light so beautifully. And it really does. These lamps are simple, functional and really lovely. They come with three colour options on the traditional cotton woven flex - green, navy and grey. They were a great success on the night and lots of our Design Night crew left with one under their arm. 

And that's it, folks. If you were there, thanks for taking part. If you weren't, don't forget to come next time - it was a hoot!  

PS. Sign up to the mailing list at the bottom of our home page to find out about our next event.

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