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open mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

  • DAD JOKES & designist

    DAD JOKES & designist

    Did you hear the one about the butter? No? Oops, sure I better not spread it then. Okay, so not the best DAD JOKE, can YOU do better? In the run up to Father's Day we are transforming our window...

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  • wow, what a week that was!

    wow, what a week that was!

    So, it’s been quite the 10 days. On 6th of March I disappeared off to have a baby, safe and secure that I had a wonderful team in place who could deal with almost anything in my absence, and boy...

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  • A night to remember...Dublin Design Night 2016

    So, Wednesday 9th November 2016 was Dublin Design Night and man alive, did we have a good time! Doodle-meister Mark Flood came in with his markers and did a deadly design doodle on our windows; it was funny, festive and featured all...

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