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a group of father related gifts

Dad, Daddy, Da, Pappa, Pops, Pa, Pater, old boy, the aul fella...

Dad, Daddy, Da, Pappa, Pops, Pa, Pater, old boy, the aul fella, there are as many variants on what you call him as there are ways to relate to him. 

Fathers don’t have it easy. It’s their job to make us feel safe, to support us but not smother us. Wipe our noses and our bums, hold our hands, entertain us, but not embarrass us. It’s not for the faint hearted. We start by adoring them, then tolerate them, ignore them, despair of them and eventually distance ourselves from them, just while trying to grow up. Taxi man, sports coach, handyman, financial advisor, personal jester, navigator & benefactor it's a job with many roles, few of which you get any training for. 

So this Father’s Day we encourage you to indulge him. Let him watch the news uninterrupted, have a nap in the car listening to the GAA, pretend to be interested when he reads out the ads in the back of the Irish Times, laugh at his Dad jokes and get him something lovely to let him know you appreciate him. 

Check out our collection of interesting bits and gas cards for your Daddy for Father’s Day on 20th June. And go on, tell us your favourite Dad Joke.

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