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Last week at designist

Last week at designist

So what did we get up to in designist last week? Well, we started off by playing with the cutest little wooden submarine from Plan Toys. It's a bath toy that toddlers will love and it's also eco and sustainable.



We found the perfect solution for when you find yourself on a video call trying to prop your phone against anything and everything you find lying around, or getting a tired arm while showing your mate a video on your phone. This wooden phone stand is designed using opposing notches that slot together, so it's collapsible for easy storage and you can carry it with you at all times. The gaps in the notches also allow you to have your headphones plugged in whilst propping up your phone. Genius!



We're loving the beautiful wisdom of this Wabi Sabi book this January, teaching us to find more joy and inspiration throughout our perfectly imperfect lives.



Our head lamp hats finally came back in stock! And in good time for cycling home in these dark January afternoons.



We got the Supoon in a full range of colours now!  It's a cross between a measuring spoon and a spatula so you can scrape, stir, mix, measure, scoop and serve using the same spoon, leaving you even less to clean up.




And last but not least, we welcomed this cool new R Space Lamp into the shop! It's in the shape of a wooden R that fans out to become a beautiful lamp that works with a handy little remote. Depending on the mood, you can choose between a warm or cool light, and it’s dimmable with 5 brightness levels.




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