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little toys with a big heart

little toys with a big heart

Christmas time has come around yet again and Santa will be dusting off his hat and getting his sleigh all ship shape ready for the biggest night of the year. But with children all over the world sending him lists as long as their arm it must be hard for him to work out which present will become the most loved and played with for each child.

Santa must at times find the huge variety and choice out there pretty overwhelming - there is a cacophony of plastic and gadgets (batteries not included) to wade through.That is why the designist christmas elves have been working hard all year researching and playing with a variety of toys to see just which are guaranteed to bring total play-satisfaction. And an absolute favourite here has to be the Plan Toys.

Plan Toys embody many of the ideals we here at designist cherish. They have been around since 1981 with the aim to ‘to infuse the world with positive vibes’. They are a carbon neutral company and have spent the last 35 odd years finding ways to develop a truly sustainable ethos that spans throughout every process; from materials, means of production, staff welfare, product development and community engagement.

There is so much to love about Plan Toys. There wooden toys only use rubber trees that can no longer produce rubber. Every part of the tree is used; what wood can not be directly utilised it is ground into sawdust and reformed into a super strong toy making  material and anything else that can't be turned into toys is used to make energy. Each toy is painted with high quality water based, organic paints and dyes so you can be sure nothing nasty is on them. All materials and packing are sourced within a 30 mile radius of their factory and their ethos is to continually keep this sustainable mind at the forefront of production.

Here at designist we stock a whole range of Plan Toys suitable for little hands and minds to grow with. For older kids why not check out our range of engaging, beautifully illustrated and sustainable board games by Marbushka

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