yet another article about mask wearing (but maybe worth a read?)
I have to say, as someone who works with the public I am so delighted to see so many people using masks and actively making sure they pop them on before entering shops. Don't get me wrong; I do understand they can be annoying to wear, easy to lose and sometimes just a pain in the backside. But do not underestimate their value. Not only do they help you, by protecting you from droplets in the air, they help make us, the staff in all the shops and stores you visit, feel a wee bit safer and more relaxed. So THANK YOU!
And even if (like me) you forget yours 2 out of 3 times, the effort of trying that makes such a difference. On saying that wearing it incorrectly doesn't help. If your nose is not covered, you are not protected, and neither is anyone around you. So just how should we how to put on, wear and take off a face mask then?
First, make sure you use buckets of hand sanitizer on those hands. then, and only then, take out your mask - this stops you accidentally transferring any nasties from your hands to the mask.
carefully place the mask over both your mouth and nose. You got to cover both your nose and mouth for the mask to work effectively. WHO have some handy tips on how to wear your mask correctly, it is well worth checking them out.
As you can see from the WHO guidance, in everyday scenarios, a fabric, reusable mask can provide appropriate protection if used correctly, and there is little need to use disposal masks in non medical situations. Okay, it is true that the exact effectiveness of mask wearing still has a way to go in terms on testing and gaining meaningful data but many agree that used alongside other social distancing measures, it can help slow the spread.
If you are a glasses wearer and you get glass fog wearing a face mask, you do not need to suffer. Try a mask with wire in the nose section. (We have some coming soon, watch this space!). This should effectively eliminate any glass fog. if you really don't like this, or need to keep your face visible, for whatever the reason, then I would highly recommend you use a face visor or shield instead.