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sam builds a nest

sam builds a nest

Sam Builds a Nest Box

Sam Builds a Nest is an Irish-designed care pack for kids. Change can be difficult at any age, especially for little ones. Life changes such as moving house, new schools and changes in family life are all tough as an adult, let alone as a child trying to make sense of the world. While we might not be able to control what happens in life, we can choose how to react to it. During difficult times, resilience is key.

Sam Builds a Nest Box

The Sam Builds a Nest care box gives children and the grown-ups who love them a way to talk about changes in life and help them to develop coping skills. Just like the Robin in the story who has to stand on the edge of the nest, gather his courage, and take off, so that he can fly high and find his own nest, children can learn to find their inner strength to face their fears.

Sam Builds a Nest Care Pack

In the box includes the book, a beautiful plush Red the Robin soft toy, an activity poster and a worry pad. The book is also available on it's own here. Children will love the story and through the activities learn to create their safe place, their nest – whether that is at home or in their room, or in a loved one's arms. Any anxieties or fears can be written in the worry pad, folded up and tucked under Red the Robin's wing for a peaceful nights sleep.

Sam Builds a Nest Book

Written by Jeffrey Gormly, illustrated by Ross Dillon and produced by Buddy Bench Ireland, a group who are bringing friendship benches for kids to schools in Ireland, promoting inclusivity and mental health awareness. This would make a beautiful gift for a young child helping them to feel valued, capable and to realise that they play the creators in their lives and futures

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