selling out in break neck speed, stay at home cards and saying hi to Jando
Meet the Maker Monday: Julie + Owen of Jando Designs!
Combining cinematic perspective and their love of architecture, with a pop culture sensibility, JANDO’s work is exciting and modern, with a strong emphasis placed on kineticism and the playful use of colour. JANDO skilfully blend a combination of both traditional and modern printmaking disciplines, including screen printing and hand drawn illustration to create their distinctive body of work. Using the finest archival paper and inks, JANDO’s range of prints are guaranteed to retain their vivid colour and striking aesthetic for a lifetime. All JANDO prints are packaged in clear protective sleeves made from corn starch and are 100% biodegradable. JANDO also produce a range of contemporary greeting cards, notebooks and a series of screen printed tote bags & tea towels.
What a lovely warm day. **Shush** don’t tell the boss, but I think I might mitch off work and head to the park with a few good reads.
You might not be able to visit all your loved ones in person, or see the new baby, or go to that wedding, but at least now there is a card for it! We love this new selection of cards by @teeandtoast Which will you send?
They come with little pots of paint and two paint brushes ready to let mini artists decorate to their hearts desire. The grooves cut into them makes them move and wiggle; animating the figures as little hands play with them. It’s a toy, it’s an art class and it is (hopefully) a few minutes peace for mum and dad
Handmade in Cork, these candles are the ultimate luxury. Made by perfumer Sarah Hagerty, who used to be a chief, each candle scent is masterfully composed. We love the gentle floral tones of the Lichen & Winter Jasmine, the warmth of the Tuscan Bergamot and the soft kick from the Kaffir Lime & Samphire. With a mix of waxes, they burn for over 50 hours. Actually, their scent is so rich, we found that sometimes, Depending on the space, you didn’t even need to light them to get the benefit of their fragrance. These are truly beautifully crafted Irish candles.
NEW PRODUCT: for all of you waiting in impatient anticipation, here it is! We finally have a few (really a teeny few) pigeon house candle stick holders in stock!!! 🥳
That’s it folks! These disappeared faster than loo roll during a pandemic - seriously, we have never seen anything like this. More are being made, and will be winging their way to us in the not too distant future so watch this space !
Everything you need for getting out and about this summer 😂 Okay, the scalding weather might have disappeared, but sure you don’t need that to enjoy your 5km. We put together a little collection here to help you on your way, whether you’re a cyclist, Jogger or just like a good ol’ walk.