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Sugru - An actual life saver!

Sugru - An actual life saver!

Ok, so it may be an inanimate object, but having had this pasta pot for over 18 years, I consider it as having a life!


Over the years, many a housemate has made attempts at it's life, usually trying to use it as a steamer, having so little water in the bottom it ends up burning the pot. (Not photographed is the strainer that goes inside that people mistake for a steamer). But it survived against all odds in spite of this torturous treatment, and has remained with me almost two decades.



About a month ago, to my devastation, the handle came clean off. I continued using it handleless for a few weeks, until, several flesh burns later a friend suggested 'Why don't you just Sugru it?!'


Which is exactly what I did! I used one sachet of black Sugru to do both sides, and imprinted a screw on the top for detail. 24 hours later my beloved pasta pot is back in action, trustworthy as ever.


So if something you love breaks, see if you can fix it before giving up on it.

Sugru is available in black, grey or white or a pack with 3 colours (black, red, white).

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