Want a Job?
Would you like to spend your days surrounded by lovely things chatting to lovely people? If so, you're in luck as we’re looking for an enthusiastic full time sales assistant to join our team in the store on Georges Street. ...
Would you like to spend your days surrounded by lovely things chatting to lovely people? If so, you're in luck as we’re looking for an enthusiastic full time sales assistant to join our team in the store on Georges Street. ...
It's the most wonderful time of the year to work in retail! We're looking to add two members to our small but perfectly-formed team for the Christmas period (from mid-November up until Christmas). We are seeking two humans to work in...
How enthusiastic are you?We're looking to add new members to our small but perfectly formed team working across designist, Science Gallery shop and with our web fulfilment team. Designist have a full-time position and a part-time position for humans with obsessive...
How enthusiastic are you? We're looking to add new members to our small but perfectly formed team for a brand new venture. Designist have part time positions for humans with obsessive interest in design, ideas, materials, deadly stuff & great customer...