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designist card collection

buy 4 or more and get €2 off all designist brand cards

  • Greeting card with white envelope Card shows a pint of guinness in front of hills and fields with sheep and a blue sky with white clouds

    Brew-tiful Ireland

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    As author and poet Flann O'Brian said, "A pint of plain is your only man". A brew-tiful card by Shona O'Dwyer that celebrates the irish landscape a...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • I'm the Head Off Ya

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'I'm glad that I'm the head off ya, Mam' They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and that you didn't lick it off the ground, which is abo...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Have a Dill-lightful Birthday

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Have a Dill-lightful Birthday'. Designed  by Marta Okulicz of Oh! Cool Design. Marta is a Dublin based graphic designer. With her lighthearted, pl...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Lucky to Call You Mammy

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'I'm so lucky to call you Mammy.' Designed by Karen Harte. Karen is a illustrator, designer and comic creator from Dublin.  You can check out more ...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • white greeting card with low building with two long thin chimney towers that are painted with 
green and white stripe

    Happy St.Patricks Day - Poolbeg

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    In this card by Joe Hollingsworth, the iconic red and white striped Poolbeg Chimneys are painted green and white in honour of our national day of c...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Orange You Glad...

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Orange You Glad I'm Your Child' Designed by Susan Wai. Susan is a Hong Kong born, Dublin bred designer and illustrator of happy cards and statione...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Sleepless Nights, Endless Love

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Sleepless Nights, Endless Love. Being My Mam is a Full Time Job, Thanks'. Designed by Delphine Perret. Delphine is a French art director: fluent i...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Mammy of the Year

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    Sure she deserves a trophy. Designed by Karen Harte. Karen is a illustrator, designer and comic creator from Dublin.  You can check out more of her...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Happy Mother's Day Nana

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    "You've Waited So Long for This. Happy Mother's Day Nana". Designed by Karen Harte. Karen is a illustrator, designer and comic creator from Dublin....

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • green greeting card with green violin in the centre and yellow text, musical notes and white hearts

    Ceol agus Craic

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    "Ceol agus Craic. An bhfuil tú réidh?".... which translates to music and good times, are you ready? Designed by Rachel Rothwell. An Irish artist ba...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • greeting card with drawing of a man in a bishops hat with a beard sitting beside  snake in a shamrock had and glasses with 2 pints of guiness between them

    St. Patrick & the Snake

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    "Listen, About the Whole Banishment Thing....". "Sure We Won't Harp on About It Paddy". Wish someone a Happy Paddy's Day with this card designed by...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Happy Mother's Day Granny

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    "You've Waited So Long for This. Happy Mother's Day Granny". Designed by Karen Harte. Karen is a illustrator, designer and comic creator from Dubli...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Happy Level Up Day

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Happy Level Up Day' Designed by Sarah Bevan of Sarah's Simulacrum. Sarah is an Irish Illustrator, conjuring up delightful creations for hims, them...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Some Woman For One Woman

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    This is an Irish compliment of the highest order - for the kind of woman who goes above and beyond! Sure she's a one woman show! Greeting card by d...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Happy Birthday Pint Candle

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    Send a proper Irish toast to someone special with this deadly birthday card. This birthday pint card has been designed exclusively for designist by...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Some Aul Fella

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    You've got to hand it to him, he is Some Aul Fella for one Aul Fella. Give this to your favourite man when he most deserves it. This greeting card ...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Michael D Huggins

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    This positive, cheerful greeting card is inspired by Ireland's most cuddly president. A great way to send a hug when you can't give one in person. ...

    view full details
    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Bronntanasaurus

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'What dinosaur lives in the present? The Bronntanasaurus'. An irish pun to delight all ages. This dinosaur birthday present themed birthday card is...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Breithla Sona

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    This Irish language birthday card designed by Lapa Beag in Galway, features a dog determined to make sure you have a perfect birthday.  Breithlá Sh...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Happy Birthday Ye Big Ride

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Ye big ride' in Ireland is generally a compliment meaning someone finds you quite attractive.  This greeting card is designed by Holly Pereira (ak...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Delira & Excira

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Delira & Excira. A wonderfully Irish saying, great for any type of congratulations or exciting news. Is there really any better way to say it?...

    view full details
    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • I Suppose You'd Be Wanting A Card

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    I Suppose You'd Be Wanting A Card... Well, if you insist! A romantic card for those grumps at heart. Created by Dublin-based artist and maker Hazel...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • have a koalaty birthday card

    Have a Koalaty Birthday

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    Make sure they have a koalaty birthday, with this cheerful and upbeat card featuring a koala and ballon. Designed exclusively for designist by Robe...

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    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
  • Birthday Cake Calculus

    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00

    'Birthday Cake Calculus' Brilliant birthday card designed and Illustrated by David Gannon exclusively for designist, printed in Dublin. Have you se...

    view full details
    original price €4.00 - original price €4.00
    original price
    €4.00 - €4.00
    current price €4.00
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