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Badly Designed Dublin: A collaboration between designist and Badly Made Books for Dublin Design Night 2018

Badly Made Books
designist are delighted to collaborate with sean o'sullivan from Badly Made Books on a very special project which will all come together on April 25th for dublin design night. In the meantime, we need your help! We are looking for submissions from you on the theme of Badly Designed Dublin, the winning entry wins a €150 voucher and their design on a special edition run of handmade notebooks.

Have you ever noticed a building, bollard, street sign or skyline and thought, 'that's a really bad design!'?  Sometimes the best way to illustrate the value of design is by looking at 'bad' design. If something irks us, or seems off, then there's probably a design reason for it. And so we see 'bad design' as being full of amazing potential to have conversations about design and make us think about how a design can be improved or re-worked to make it functional or more practical. There's also lots of 'bad design' that people still love because it has charm, history or an unintended function (we think of desire paths in our parks and green areas as a lovely example of this). Another example were the electrical boxes at College Green in the photo below which became known by Dubliners as 'mini-Stonehenge'. 

So we are asking you to keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks and Tweet us images of things you think are 'badly designed' @wearedesignist with the hashtag #badlydesigneddublin

When looking for 'bad design' you also start to see that 'good design' is often 99 per cent invisible (the title of our favourite design podcast, which takes it's name from a Buckminster Fuller quote "Ninety-nine per cent of who you are is invisible and untouchable").

Mini-Stonehenge at College Green


As well as starting an online conversation about design in Dublin, we are running a COMPETITION for the BEST Badly Designed Dublin entry. To enter, email your image* to us at with Badly Designed Dublin in the subject line. The closing date for entries is 18th April

And then what?
Our team of judges will select three finalists, which will be displayed in designist for Dublin Design Night** on 25th April 6-9pm. The Design Night audience will vote on their favourite image, and the winning image will be made into a very special limited edition notebook, handmade by Sean O'Sullivan of Badly Made Books. The winner also gets a €150 voucher for designist.

*Images should be landscape format, high res (300dpi) and size 200mm x 300mm .
** Follow us on social media for more information on Dublin Design Night or check out the event on Facebook
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