introducing: closca helmets
Wearing a bike helmet is one of those things like trips to the dentist, investing in your pension, or switching broadband providers; it's something you know you should do but made so much more difficult by bad design.
Helmets are difficult to lug around with you. Yes you can lock them to your bike, but that won’t stop them from looking scruffy and being damp when you go to put them on your head. We however might have just found the answer.

Just as safe as a rigid helmet, these foldable helmets only take up 45% as much space when folded so they can go in your backpack or shoulder bag when you’re not wearing them. They’re well ventilated so you’ll get less sweaty than with a rigid helmet and they also have a rear adjustment system that gives you a better fit than your average helmet. And that’s all before you look at the aesthetics.
Lots of bike helmets just make you feel a bit silly wearing them. So much of the focus has gone into the safety aspects that no one has considered that they often make you feel like you’ve got a giant mushroom on your head. With either the ultra modern Loop or the Guggenheim inspired classic Closca helmet you really won’t mind anyone seeing you on your commute.

Closca, like many of our suppliers, started with a mission to inspire change. They looked to see what products they could create that would have an impact and settled on trying to make cities more liveable, which is why they came up with their great helmets but also a manifesto for change. With 70% of all emissions already coming from cities and the projection that by 2050 70% of the world's population will live in cities it felt like a good place to start, and if they can encourage more people to cycle, use bike schemes or even e-scooters they’ll have made a positive impact.

Similarly with their thermal water bottles (in black and white), they’ve gone the extra mile to include an NFC chip which connects to an app. That will tell you where the nearest place to refill your water bottle and allow you to let other people know if you find somewhere not already on the map. That’s on top of the already cool design that allows you to strap the bottle to your bag or bike.

The very clever classic Closca helmet has been around since 2015, when it won a red dot design award, and the Loop made it’s debut in 2019 just in time for the current resurgence in cycling. Getting on your bike has always made sense but increasingly it feels like the best way to get around, so long as you can do so safely and arrive at your destination without looking like a sweaty mess. These helmets will definitely help.