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Mammies of Designist - Barbara

Mammies of Designist - Barbara

Hi, I'm Barbara and I am the exhausted, but grateful, and often shouting mother of Bill and Alex.

Our little family returned to Dublin from London just before the pandemic took hold. We 'pit-stopped' at my old family home to stay with my mother Kay while we looked for our own place. Still here over a year on, we've grown used to the madness that is two working adults, one incredibly patient octogenarian, two energetic toddlers, an overworked washing machine and a kitchen that is literally never clean or not being used as a recording studio/messy play area/chess tournament zone/wine bar or spaghetti hoop dispensary. 

Three generations in one space is Tough (with a capital T), but not uncommon these days. Mothering, grandmothering, parenting, being parented, working, playing, and dealing with it all with patience and love - we just cope however we can.

We turn into our mothers - if you're  tempted so say, no we don't - go live with her. 

hanging around at designist: umage focus
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