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Mom-umental Mother's Day Cards

Mom-umental Mother's Day Cards

We love a good card here at designist, but we've really hit the mother-lode with our Mother's day cards this year. We work with loads of deadly Irish designers and illustrators to bring you an optimum... selection of cards to choose from. Here are a few of our faves 

1) As long as you're well fed and having fun, an Irish mammy would rather sit in the dark on her own, or so she says!

2) I've already had dinner!

Even on Mother's Day your mammy is going to want to make sure you've been fed! 

3) 'Is Breá Liom Mo Mham' - Eoin Wheelan 

Designed exclusively for us by the talented Eoin Wheelan! We all love our mammies!

4) Even Though You Make Me... - Roberta Murray

There is nothing quite like the frustration of showing your mam how to do something on the computer, buuuut she's still your mam and you love her so you you're still gonna help.

5) Do You Know What You Should Do...?

Mother's always know what to do. And even better, they'll always tell you! So this Mother's Day you can insist that you know what she should do on this special day!

6) Everyone Jumped Off a Cliff...

This one is just so perfectly smug

7) 'No one else has ever wiped my arse, and for that I thank you ' - Holly Pereira

Never a truer word (hopefully) - by Holly Pereira aka @HyperPictures 


8) Thanks For Raisin' Me - Roberta Murray

Cant beat a good pun though - designed by @robertamurray


We also have an amazing mother's day gift collection if you're looking for a little mom-mento (sorry) to go with your card - ah have a gawk 


hanging around at designist: umage focus
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