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On Yer Bike

On Yer Bike

If the weather would ever just stop, Ireland has some pretty spectacular places to go for an aul bike ride. From the Great Western Greenway along the coast of Mayo to the Grand Canal Way in Dublin we have beautiful cycle routes and amazing views. 

We have some fabulous bits and bobs in store at the moment that will make your cycle much smoother and safer, whether you're in it for a 50k shlep or you're bopping into work. 

Weatherproof Bike Mount 
This little pal is perfect for mapping and following your routes. The bike mount is completely weatherproof and you can still use the screen through the cover. 


The mount can swivel to face in any direction and there is a quick release function on the back allowing you to snap your phone off with ease.




Leather Bike Cup Holder 
For a possibly less serious cyclist we have the leather bike cup holder. Take a leisurely spin through the Pheonix park without sacrificing your morning coffee! 

Lochness Bike Lock
The Lochness is a completely flexible bike lock that you can twist around your frame while you're on the go. The Lochness comes with theft-resistant inner core and unlike a D lock it can't be leveraged to open once locked.



Reflective Badges
Pop these cool little badges on your bag or your jacket for an extra bit of visibility at night time. At just €3 a pair you can't go wrong.  

Light Up Slap Band
This handy snap light up snap band will keep your trouser leg out of the way while you're cycling. It has three settings, steady, slow and fast flashing. 


Nello & Lucetta 
Nello & Lucetta are the perfect pair. Nello is a bike bell designed to easily snap on and off its base. Nello makes three different sounds that change every time you pull it of its clip. Lucetta is a pair of magnetic bike lights that also snap easily on and off of your bike frame. There's no switch so but they automatically come on once the magnet comes into contact with the metal. They have three settings, a steady light, slow flashing and fast. 

We have some other cycling paraphernalia available available online and in store, click here to have a look at our collection.


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