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Some folks just have it all...

Some folks just have it all...

Christmas Shopping List Bullet Journal
The countdown to Christmas is on.  We're all getting ourselves organised (though some may be struggling to start the list in the Bullet Journal, as pictured above). Some of us have loads of people to buy for, some of us only a few. I reckon everyone has at least one tricky gift to purchase...
So, you can't decide what to get a certain person. Maybe you've given your Da enough socks to see him through to the end of his natural life. Maybe your sister doesn't want another voucher to get her nails done. I hear your problem..."but they have everything!" A universal issue.
Wrapped gifts at designist

When this little dilemma rears its ugly nog, you can go a few different ways. Sometimes I go with an event based gift - but let's face it, that can be a very pricey business, given that you have to buy two tickets to whatever event you have chosen (eh...Happy Christmas, you're going to see The Burt Bacharach Songbook On Ice, by yourself). Sometimes I plump for a homemade gift...a pot of jam, a handknit scarf, biscuits etc but that doesn't cut the festive mustard with some people.

How about giving them the gift of an idea? What? I hear you say. Yes. Something to make them think "isn't that clever!" or "I never thought I'd be able to do that". Let's get down to specifics. The Cheese Making Kit: Who knew you could make cheese in your own home in an hour or two! The Fermentation Crock: fermented food is good for you, looks amazing, tastes great and with this crock you can ferment successfully to your heart's delight.
Cheese Kits and Fermentation CrocksThrow in the Cultured Club book and you will have a gift that will keep giving for years! The Smartphone Projector: This magical little thing projects from your smartphone without any technology, working like a camera obscura. Fascinating stuff. Gin and Tonic Revolution and Cocktail Revolution: Molecular mixology in your own there's an idea that will make many ears prick up. Lékué Bagel Moulds: what? You can make amazing bagels at home in a couple of hours? Who doesn't want that?! The Orbitkey: So your keys don't have to jingle around your pocket, scratching everything they meet? Clever, clever, clever. 
Orbitkey and Bagel Moulds at designist

And that's the tip of the iceberg. There are all manner of good ideas out there and we have lots of them! Have a look at our collection and see what could float that tricky person's boat. If nothing grabs you, don't panic - there is always the notebook and skincare category to fall back on!

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