The Irish Words You Should Know
Broadcaster and talking head Hector's thesis is that when you speak in Irish every word is a tiny poem. This very loving look at the intricacies and specific meanings of Irish words does a fair job of making the case. Take loinnir – a word that describes the sunlight sparkling on the waves. Loinnir is also used to capture that merriness you feel after early pints of stout in the morning. Suddenly that sunlight isn’t just a thing, it’s a feeling.
Whether you’re a gaeilgeoir or couldn’t write a word of Irish, there is something here for everyone. It's written with infectious enthusiasm as well as a mastery of the language that's pretty admirable. The Irish Words You Should Know will have you wanting to speak the cúpla focail, while drawing you into of the fun and magic in the language that is our inheritance.
Who wrote it?
Hector Ó hEochagáin
How does it come?
Hard back, 420 pages approx 13.5 x 3.8 x 21.6 cm