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our guide to the best housewarming gifts

our guide to the best housewarming gifts

Like with many milestones in life, finding somewhere to call home can be an exercise in optimism over reality and reaching that point can be paved with compromises. Anyone managing to get themselves housed in any fashion in Ireland deserves to be celebrated for both their luck and tenacity. A gift that helps them put their own stamp on the place, and makes it feel more cosy is just the ticket to let someone know you wish them well in their new gaff. 

So from forever homes to shared student gaffs, here’s a list of some of our favourite types of new home gifts.

Something to put your own smell in the place

Even if it’s only been the builders in before you, changing the air in a new house makes it feel more your own, so burning a candle or diffusing some delicious smelling essential oils will always be a welcome gift.
la bougie candles


Something to add some personality to the place

Even after you’ve moved in all your boxes it can feel strange in a new place. Adding a little something that will make them smile to the place can help ease the transition.
sky planters for the home
grizzly bear clock

Home entertainment gifts

Now that they’re finally moved in there’s the perfect chance to show off to other people by entertaining at home so here’s a few gifts that helps them on the hospitality home front.
sarah and olive olive oil

Little token gifts

And if it’s just a little token, we have a few ideas for you; like closet bars to freshen up the wardrobe and irish seedbombs (as it will be a while before you might get around to the garden)
three hills soap
irish seedboambs
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