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  • our guide to the best housewarming gifts

    our guide to the best housewarming gifts

    Like with many milestones in life, finding somewhere to call home can be an exercise in optimism over reality and reaching that point can be paved with compromises. Anyone managing to get themselves housed in any fashion in Ireland deserves...

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  • making gift shopping bear-able

    making gift shopping bear-able

    We have done a little restock of our books for kids this week. Bedtime stories are a favourite in our house; it is a great way to spend a little bit of time with the kids before bed and it...

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  • A good choice for housewarming...

    A good choice for housewarming...

    It can be difficult to choose a housewarming gift for someone. Depending on how well you know them, their style and their interests, it can be a real minefield. Thankfully, at designist, we pride ourselves on having a little something...

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