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68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534
Last week at designist

Last week at designist

Check out our deadly Beepots and Bee Blocks! Welcome bees to your garden by providing food and shelter. These concrete Bee Blocks and Beepots will give the bees a safe little nest in your garden. They're made from cast concrete and will look lovely in your garden or as a block within a wall or structure. Unlike wooden bee hotels these stylish modern hostels won't rot from rainy Irish weather. Place in a sunny spot in your garden, balcony or on your windowsill to announce there are rooms to let!




We're thrilled to have this new range in from Leuchtturm1917 to celebrate 100 years of the Bauhaus. They have beautiful notebooks in red, yellow and blue with matching pen loops and pencils, and check out the deadly modular stand they come in too! A great gift for designers.



We have a few packs of these lovely Fox Wall Stencils to give away FREE to a good cause. Any schools, groups, creches or foxes out there interested in picking up a pack in store on George's Street? They are very quick and easy to use, so you can create a lovely woodland theme in no time.



The good weather is back! Fingers crossed the sun will continue to shine. Pop into us for some lovely picnic treats.




Looking for a special gift for the gardener in your life? We have wonderful ideas your green-fingered friends will dig.



Gone fishing! We closed for the bank holiday but you can always find lots of remarkable gifts and bright ideas on our website.





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