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Mammies, Gaffs and Gráinneoga

Mammies, Gaffs and Gráinneoga

Hello March, you're looking nice and sunny (for now). Mother's day is in a few weeks and we've got a pretty stellar selection of cards.



It's such a shame we're not taught DIY in school isn't it? Everyone needs to be able to wire a plug and put up a shelf. Gaff Goddess is the book that will let you take back control of your gaff (and current account) and fix things yourself. It's straight talking and beautifully illustrated and will take the fear out of blocked drains and dripping taps forever.



This lovely Lapa Beag print is just in agus tá sé go hálainn. It's an adorable little hedgehog (or grainneog) looking for a worm and will look great in any child's bedroom.



Is your Mammy better than Michelle? Yep, ours too. Don't forget that all our cards are available online and we can always send them direct to your Mammy with a personalised message.



Our bookshelves are heaving with great Irish books.



Laura's new window display looking good on a sunny afternoon. It's so nice to feel a bit of warmth when you're out and about isn't it?



Even if you do leave Mother's Day to the last minute we'll have you covered. Don't forget we can even post a present along with a handwritten card to your mammy.



A big shout out to all our female suppliers, makers and designers. You are all amazing to work with and,excitingly, too numerous to name individually. Also, a big high five to all the other female owned and run businesses around town. Let's keep going and make it the norm not the exception for women to be running great businesses in their own way on their own terms.


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