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Mammies of designist - Jennie

Mammies of designist - Jennie

Hi, I'm Jennie. 

This Mother's day is particularly special for me as it's my first as a Mammy (or really my 2nd, Rowan was born in early March, so much like birthdays over the last year I don't think the last one counts)

All year I've been trying to figure out this 'how to be a Mammy' stuff. With the year that was in it, I haven't been up close and personal with other parents much so I've really appreciated the example of people in the public eye talking about parenting in a pandemic.

We've been so lucky to have had so much time at home with Rowan. His Dad has been around in a way that the before times world wouldn't have facilitated, but we have missed having a wider circle of family around him. I'm reliably informed that the first year of parenting can feel isolating at the best of time but at least we haven't had to deal with any FOMO. 

We often demonize social media as an empty distraction, a time vampire keeping us from connecting with the real world but for me (and I suspect a lot of people) the digital world has been a lifeline, and a very welcome distraction during night feeds. It's often not easy to put yourself out there in the press or social media, but I for one feel very lucky to have such good examples. I was delighted to be able to do something to say thank you this Mother's day.

hanging around at designist: umage focus
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