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This week at designist

This week at designist

Who knows what is to become of the Poolbeg chimneys?...Demolition? A lookout tower? A visitors centre? A lick of paint? For the moment we still have them, and they're currently one of the most synonymous symbols of the Dublin skyline. This fantastic printed tea towel by Grand Grand features an epic image of the pigeon house and lists all the areas of Dublin underneath.



Our Waterproof Phone Sleeve from Kikkerland is an amazing outdoor gadget that means you can truly bring your phone anywhere. Whether you're hiking in the Irish summer, strolling on the beach, or playing human whirlpool on holidays, you can use your phone to take photos and videos, and keep it safe and dry.




Back in stock, this vibrant print of one of Dublin's most iconic buildings, the third tallest in the city, the mighty Liberty Hall. Now the headquarters of SIPTU, it was more historically significant in its earlier form, as the headquarters of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union in the 20th century, and also as the headquarters of the Irish Citizen Army. This fine art archival print is designed and produced in Dublin by Julie & Owen from Jando.



Here it is, the Cocktail Codex, possibly the only cocktail book you'll ever need! We'll start with filmmaker Stephen Soderberg's description of the book because it's just so good! "If Dora the Explorer turned twenty-one, split herself into three people, and decided to write the Magna Carta of booze books, this would be the result. And, unlike every other book you'll read this year, Cocktail Codex is packed with actual knowledge you can use in the real world. Please, please, can Cinema Codex be next?!".

But this isn't the first rodeo for authors Alex, Nick and Dave. They previously brought us Death & Co, a book of recipes titled after their very cool New York bar of the same name, which became the definitive guide to contemporary craft cocktails. In Cocktail Codex, they teach us the basic building blocks of modern cocktails and give us the tools to master classics and create new recipes. For example, in the Old Fashioned chapter, they give us the classic recipe, then their ideal recipe (which will have some flare on the classic, adding special booze, sugar or bitters for example). This is followed by paragraphs on understanding the template of the cocktail, experimenting with the core recipe, experimenting with the balance and exploring the seasoning (bitters in this case).

They also discuss a variety of techniques from various top mixologists, and look at how you can make variations on the original recipe. Cocktail Codex has everything a beginner needs, but also enough to keep you experimenting for a life-time! A fantastic gift for anyone with a serious interest in making cocktails.



Good old Molly, the dolly with the trolly (or the dish with the fish, the tart with the cart, the flirt with the skirt, the trollop with the scallop) or any number of terrible names Dubliners have given her over the years. Molly Malone is the infamous character from a song, who "wheeled her wheelbarrow, through streets broad and narrow" in Dublin city. She was a fishmonger who died from fever at a young age. A well-endowed statue of Molly is one of the most famous in Dublin, with thousands of visitors groping her chest and posing for photos with her each year. This fine art archival print designed and produced by Jando Design. Founded in 2015 by husband and wife Julie and Owen Mc Loughlin, Jando are a multi-award winning printmaking studio based in Dublin.




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