This week at designist
Beautiful Irish titles for young readers and old enthusiasts alike. Spend the upcoming International Literature Festival with a good book and rediscover Ireland together with your little ones.
This Mugshot Height Chart is great for keeping a photographic record of your little degenerates as they continue to disappoint you throughout their lives! Whether it's for posterity, or future blackmailing, take two photos, one front-view, one side-view, and you'll have an almost official criminal record to add to the family photo album. .
These quality plywood Jpeg coat hooks by Moxon London incorporate an upturned peg design that's ideal for holding things you may need when leaving the house; notes or reminders, that letter you have to post, your gig tickets or your passport. Each hook also has magnets so you can stick them to your fridge creating a handy place to hang your tea towel and clip up your shopping lists, recipes or the kids drawings.
We really appreciate a well designed thing. We wanted a watering can that would look beautiful on a windowsill but also be practical and functional, and we found it! It's perfectly designed with a looped handle so you can reach high up and low down plants with ease, and the long pointed spout gives you perfect aim from a distance. This beaut from Burgon & Ball makes a delightful gift for plant lovers or as a house warming gift.
Check out this deadly clock! Watch the skyscape change with the time of day with the Day & Night Clock. Enjoy the view from dusk to dawn as the backdrop rotates behind the white silhouetted skyline revealing blue skies, clouds, the sun, the moon and stars as time goes by. A lovely house warming or birthday gift idea.
The George's Street Arcade looked epic in our window reflection on Friday! If you’re looking for a gift for the weekend, we’ve tons of remarkable gifts & bright ideas in store
This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home....kids will just love filling up the bellies of these lovely wooden piggy banks from Plan Toys.