The Art of Fairness: The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean
David Bodanis wanted to know if you can you succeed without being a terrible person. We're told that 'nice guys finish last, but is it really true or just something people say to make them selves feel better about acting in a shitty way. In the art of fairness, Bodanis looks at 12 different real life case studies of where fairness applied with skill actually yields the best results. From the building of the Empire State Building in less than a year, to the unfortunate voyage of the Bounty, to the New Deal, to the downfall of the very man who popularised the phrase 'nice guys finish last' these entertainingly told anecdotes go to show that a bit of decency goes a long way in this world.
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Who wrote it?
David Bodanis, lecturer, business advisor, and non fiction author.
How does it come?
Paperback. 19.5 x 12.5 x 1 cm. 308 pages