Bees, Mice and Farm Animals!
Now is the time our little fluffy solitary bee friends are looking for just the right place to lay their little egg. Bee hotels, bee blocks and bee motels are fantastic ways to provide just the right kind of spaces...
Now is the time our little fluffy solitary bee friends are looking for just the right place to lay their little egg. Bee hotels, bee blocks and bee motels are fantastic ways to provide just the right kind of spaces...
Scrubbing, counting, cleaning!Phew, we are working really hard to get the shop all sparkling and ready for you folk.Okay, we are not ready to open quite yet, but soooooooooon View this post on Instagram A post shared by designist...
So what exactly is the deal with bee houses, motels and blocks? Why are people so keen to help these furry little insects? We at designist wanted to explore all things bees to see just how important they are and...