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  • Nominate a Mammy!

    Nominate a Mammy!

    Let’s Send an inspirational Mammy a Card this Mother’s DayAhead of Mother's Day we want to say well done and thank you to a few of the worlds best mammies. Let's be honest, this last year has not been a walk...

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  • it's all go!

    it's all go!

    It's all go here at designist. The November air is cool and crisp, and you're all bundled up in your coats and scarves, ready to get going with your shopping for you-know-what. We've had a wonderful, busy week. Have a look at some of the new stock we've got in store for you!
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  • last week at designist

    last week at designist

    What do we talk about when we talk about Irish? Craic Baby is a fascinating look at our native tongue by the author of the bestselling Motherfoclóir, Darach Ó Séaghdha. As his young daughter learns to communicate, Ó Séaghdha ponders...

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