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open mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

  • Introducing: Unbreakable Wine Glasses

    Introducing: Unbreakable Wine Glasses

    When I was a kid we had this most elaborate aqua coloured punch bowl. Its joyful colour and design brought ceremony to any meal, regardless of whether it was being used for party drinks or the more mundane Tuesday salad....

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  • hip set of three bowls

    Hip Hip Hurray!

    Plastic is a problem. We've all seen the images of plastic waste in our oceans and on our shorelines. In a perfect world we would be able to eliminate plastic completely from our lives and find new alternatives. And there...

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  • How to make a tent a home

    How to make a tent a home

    The festival season has been raining upon us (literally raining in many cases), and we're all getting ready for the last hurrah at Electric Picnic this weekend. The weather's due to be good, but really, could you trust it? For...

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