How to make a Great Lunch
The changes to society as a result of the pandemic are far reaching and are still only beginning to be felt. The most evident change so far is in our relationship to work. There’s been a million podcasts and think pieces discussing the great resignation. However for me, the most marked change has been my relationship with lunch.
For years, I’d barely stop at lunchtime. Conditioned by years of school lunches, the prospect of stopping for a soggy, tepid sandwich never delighted me and I was convinced that I'd be more efficient if I just kept going. In an attempt to wring the maximum productivity out of the day I’d power through from 10am - 6.30pm. Trying, often in vain, to achieve the feeling that I was getting somewhere, I’d throw something into me at my desk which I would barely taste. I needed Easy Lunch Ideas For Work.
During lockdowns, working from home meant I actually started to look forward to lunch. I used it as a proper pause in my day where I did something different, went outside, took a walk, stopped looking at a computer screen for an hour. It definitely affected my productivity but it was also such a mood booster. When we were denied some of the bigger pleasures in life (travel, live music, people) the small ones took on greater significance. While my scoby and sourdough have gone by the wayside now that we’re back to the new normal (whatever that means), I’m doing my best to keep up my lunch ritual.
I’ve been really enjoying the green lunch box, which is full of great suggestions for lunch ideas that are tasty and good for the environment. It’s also full of beautiful images by Irish Illustrator Sally Caulwell that can't help but get you inspired to try out the recipes. Here’s a few suggestions of some very lovely lunches you can take to work to add a bit of deliciousness to your day.
Noodles make the ideal lunchbox fair and Sesame noodles with Broccoli, Sugar Snap Peas & Cashews (p24 The Green Lunchbox) is easy to make, full of goodness and actually benefits from hanging around a bit as the dressing gets a chance to marinade the other ingredients.
Salads are a great option for lunch, particularly if you add in some barley, cous cous or quinoa to keep you full till dinner time. Spicy Nutty Quinoa (p141 River Cottage Great Salads) has a great tip for keeping quinoa fluffy, and their Barley, Rocket Pesto, Cheddar and chives changed my mind about Barley completely as the texture is so good.
I’m dying to try the Butterbean & Halloumi Salad (p19 The Green Lunchbox) as there can never be too much halloumi in my life.
And if you just have to have some kind of bread basis in your lunch, I’d recommend the peanut butter, lime, chilli and watercress bagel. I made a round of them for everyone in work recently using Harry’s nut butter to add a bit of extra spice. Absolutely delicious and Easy Lunch Ideas For Work