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open mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm. closed St.Patricks Day
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

  • Q & A with Fintan Wall

    Q & A with Fintan Wall

    This week we meet Dead Famous  creator Fintan Wall. Fintan is an illustrator living in Dublin. He also creates a range of funny mugs and delightful greeting cards. Check out his Dead Famous prints here.  So what is working for...

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  • Designer Profile: Fintan Wall

    Designer Profile: Fintan Wall

    At Designist we're always interested in new products, designers and ideas, one of the more recent designers we've had the pleasure to work with is Dublin-based graphic designer, Fintan Wall. Since graduating from IADT in 2002, Fintan has been working...

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  • Gifts for Gas Dads

    Gifts for Gas Dads

    Next up in our dad categories is the 'gas' Dad. You know the type, dad jokes galore, he'd talk to a wall and he knows exactly how to embarrass you in front of your mates. But we love him anyway and...

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  • New Irish Design

    New Irish Design

    Our store on George's Street will be closed this Friday for St. Patrick's Day, re-open at 10am Saturday 18th. As always we're delighted to be showcasing some fine Irish design in store. From homeware to stationery to cosmetics, we've a wide...

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