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open mon - sat 10 - 6pm, sun 12 - 5.30pm. closed St.Patricks Day
68 south great george's street, dublin 2 (+353) 1 475 8534

  • Q & A with Fintan Wall

    Q & A with Fintan Wall

    This week we meet Dead Famous  creator Fintan Wall. Fintan is an illustrator living in Dublin. He also creates a range of funny mugs and delightful greeting cards. Check out his Dead Famous prints here.  So what is working for...

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  • Eclectic avenue fine bone china egg cups with architectural illustration and bright colours, pink, red, orange and yellow. Made by People Will Always Need Plates

    We gonna rock down to...Eclectic Avenue!

        Eclectic Avenue is a range of high quality, beautifully thought out tableware created by Hannah Dipper and Robin Farquhar of  People Will Always Need Plates. A response to the current proliferation of cheap and throwaway design, their work is...

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