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  • From start to finish........

    From start to finish........

    Finish journal by Leuchtturm Can we talk about motivation for a minute?   Years ago I did Going for Growth and one of the amazing mentors who ran a sales growth company said something that's always stuck with me: the reason most...

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  • Leuchtturm 2021

    Leuchtturm 2021

    We've been stocking Leuchtturm since 2014 and always get a bit giddy when their new catalogue lands. While making some of the best quality notebooks around (numbered pages, pocket at the back, multiple page markers, thread sewn so they lay...

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  • getting organised for autumn

    getting organised for autumn

    BACK IN STOCK!.These little gadgets make travelling child’s play. No need to have to remember those bulky sat navs or struggle as your partners yells directs out to you - these magnetic phone mounts attach to the air vent of...

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  • Dreamfarm: Growing ideas into inventions

    Dreamfarm is a Brisbane based product design company that makes some of the niftiest products around. Founded in 2003 by the then 22 year old Alexander Gransbury, Dreamfarm quickly became known as a problem-solving company that grows ideas into inventions....

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  • Bullet Journal: Tips 'n' things

    Bullet Journal: Tips 'n' things

    Here at designist we've been Bullet Journalling since last summer, and loving it! Depending on personal preference (or often the size of our hand bags) we use either the A5 hard cover or the B5 soft cover notebooks from Leuchtturm1917...

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  • A place for everything, and everything in its place

    Thanks to Benjamin Franklin for providing the title for today's little bulletin. Are you sick of looking everywhere for your stationery bits and bobs? Have you no particular place for your paperclips? No pocket for your pencils? No shelf for your sharpener?...

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