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  • From start to finish........

    From start to finish........

    Finish journal by Leuchtturm Can we talk about motivation for a minute?   Years ago I did Going for Growth and one of the amazing mentors who ran a sales growth company said something that's always stuck with me: the reason most...

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  • sketchnoting: just what is it all about?

    sketchnoting: just what is it all about?

    If you know anything about us here in designist, it’s that we love a good system, so when my sister came back from a conference recently raving about how Sketchnote was going to be the new Bullet Journal, we were...

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  • Leuchtturm 2021

    Leuchtturm 2021

    We've been stocking Leuchtturm since 2014 and always get a bit giddy when their new catalogue lands. While making some of the best quality notebooks around (numbered pages, pocket at the back, multiple page markers, thread sewn so they lay...

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  • fresh february

    fresh february

    So ends the longest January in history, and with February comes Valentine's Day and lots of new products to be excited about.
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